About Me

My name is Jamie L. Hizzett, I am an M.Phil student at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, England. I study hydrodynamics and geophysics with respect to turbidity currents and how they interact with the sea floor and oil and gas pipelines. The Ph.D is a part of the Centre for Doctoral Training programme (CDT), funded by the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) and the University of Southampton, the training sponsored by nine companies within the oil and gas industry and seventeen universities across the UK.

I utilize a range of monitoring and processing techniques as part of my Ph.D and as a geoscientist. Some monitoring techniques that I have used include acoustic devices (e.g. Doppler current profilers (aDcp, uDvp), multibeam echo sounders (MBES, M3 sonar), and ultra-high concentration meters (UHCM)), resistivity devices (electrical impedance tomography (EIT)), differential Global Positioning Systems (dGPS), sediment sampling techniques (e.g. Helley-Smith sampler, Grab Sampling) as well as seismic technologies to a lesser degree.

Processing software I have used includes Caris, Hypack, QINSy, Matlab, Surfer and ArcGIS. I wish to expand more into seismic acquisition and interpretation on the monitoring side of things, purely for the experience. I also wish to use Fledermaus to complete my bathymetric processing software experience and gain a full flavour of the bathymetric processing software currently available as bathymetry forms a large part of my work.

If you wish to contact me, my email address is J.L.Hizzett@soton.ac.uk.

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